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Olson Saw Company has been manufacturing in the United States since 1918, making a wide range of band and scroll saw blades, band saw and power scroll saw accessories, handheld saw frames, and other woodworking accessories.

Founded by Albert Olson in 1918, the first factory was located in Brooklyn NY. Albert’s brother joined the company, and the company was later run by Stanley Olson (Alberts’s son).

Bill Nelson of Blackstone Industries LLC. purchased the company in 1976 and relocated it to Bethel CT.

Chuck Olson (Grandson of Albert Olson) had been working with the company since 1957 at age 12. He stayed on after Blackstone’s acquisition, playing a key part of the company until he retired in 2008.In 2013 Rich Milici Jr. purchased Blackstone Industries LLC. Olson Saw Company continues to manufacture in Bethel CT, making a wide range of band and scroll saw blades, band saw and power scroll saw accessories, handheld saw frames and other woodworking accessories.

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